Gallup Certified Strengths Coaching


-Phil Eason

“There is not a more honorable undertaking for a leader than to create a culture in a high performing organization that adds to the quality of life of every team member”.

My passion is partnering with leaders to improve the quality of the human resource in the organizations they lead.

Since 2008 I have coached leaders using my talents, skills, and knowledge to guide them in creating and maintaining a culture that is strengths-based, engagement focused, performance oriented and wellbeing centered. This winning culture is grounded in the belief that the quality of the human resource is improved by linking the induvial employee’s needs and contributions to an organizations mission.

Phil’s Clifton Strengths


How Phil’s Talents Work for You

Given Phil’s strategic thinking talent, he helps you discover alternative paths to reach your goals or outcomes. His input talent allows him to provide you with tangible tools you can put in practice. Given his arranger theme, Phil arranges all the variables in the most productive configuration. He is a shining example of effective flexibility.

His developer theme recognizes and cultivates the potential in others. Phil naturally sees potential in others. Phil’s communications talents provide him with the ability to reach out and connect with members of your team in a meaningful way.

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The outcome of this approach is performance excellence in business outcomes such as productivity, profitability, employee engagement and retention. At this point let me throw in an Easonism…” all improvement is self-improvement following a proven method.” Using a proven method along with a contagious enthusiasm and positive energy I coach others by understanding, guiding, supporting and empowering those who have a yearning to improve their own performance, team performance, and ultimately organizational performance.

I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees form Western Kentucky University where I was fortunate enough to graduate cum laude. Upon graduating, I went directly into leadership positions. From that start I spent over thirty years in numerous leadership positions. Using this successful experience as a leader combined with the skills, and knowledge gained as a Baldrige National Quality Award Board Examiner, a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach and an Engagement Champion.

When I am not coaching others, I can be found training for 5K races up to marathons including the Boston Marathon. My goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon at the ages of 65, 70, 75, 80, and 85 and then play it by ear. For taking the time and effort to trudge through this bio let me leave you with a couple parting thoughts. We are all athletes some just are not in training. That being said keep in mind one is never too old to set a new goal or dream and new dream.

Under Phil’s astute leadership, coaching, and mentorship, we embarked on a comprehensive journey to address not only quantitative measures of success but also the qualitative aspects of organizational health.

-Brian K. Creasman, Ed.D.
Superintendent | Fleming County Schools

should I find my purpose, mission & core values?

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Self-aware leaders are more effective and successful.

A study by the Harvard Review found that self-aware leaders are more effective at building trust, motivating teams and achieving results.


Having a strong sense of purpose motivates and inspires others.

Having a clear sense of direction provides comfort and stability for for your team. It allows them to follow you more easily.


Values-driven leaders are more trusted and respected.

Based on an article found in Forbes, leaders driven by values are more likely to make ethical decisions; therefore making them more trusted and respected overall.