Gallup Certified Strengths Coaching

Strengths Based

Leading your organization with strength is no longer out of reach.

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“Most people think they know what they are good at. They are usually wrong………and yet, a person can only excel from a talent.”

-Peter Drucker

Leaders seem to try everything imaginable to fix their workplace. But they don’t consider doing the one thing that matters. And that is hiring the right manager for the right reason and then invest in their growth and development. As important as this is it is just the start. Performance Leadership Group believes that the need for disruption on how employees are managed couldn’t be more urgent. Those in positions of leadership who understand and act on this urgency for change on how we grow and develop managers will be the ones who succeed into the future.

Leadership Development

1:1 Coaching
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Performance leadership group provides a proven method that creates a winning culture for every organization.

Strengths-Based Team development

A strengths-based team is a group of imperfect but talented contributors valued for their strengths, who need one another to realize individual and team excellence.

Performance Leadership Group partners with leaders in the establishment and development of a strengths-based behaviorally cohesive leadership team. The leadership team exists to minimize politics and confusion, create high levels of employee engagement, low turnover among talented employees, and high productivity. Following this model, by default, all teams across the organization become strengths-based teams.